
giveaway winner.. coupla surprises too

first of all, miss melissa…

of all the joints, in all the towns, in all the world, you walk into mine.

that’s how freakishly small this world is. you realize that i was probably there too at the time, seeing that before they hired me i spent 80% of my time and 95% of my money there anyway? but i do apologize on behalf of my colleagues. they did not perform as expected and shall be punished. with great vengeance and furious anger.

anyway. thanks to all the lovely dudettes who entered the giveaway! i feel like a god, getting to decide who gets stuff and who doesn’t. kinda turns me on actually.

and now for some drumroll please..

the winner is monica, because let’s face it, there’s just no better justification for winning than “i really really really really want to”. congrats! i’ve sent you an email for more details.

but since i’m such an awesomely nice person, i’m also going to hand out a surprise runner-up prize. consolation prize. whatever makes it sound less patronizing.

the second prize, another set of self-made stitch markers, goes to rebecca for selflessly increasing her competition by advertising this giveaway in her blog. perhaps some of the people you sent over will grow to liking me and eventually become my slaves dear friends. you too should have an email waiting!

wow. i feel like such a douche now for not letting everyone win.

but to all of you who didn’t get free stuff this time, worry not. there will be another giveaway in march where another batch of utterly finnish stuff will be handed out. and if you’re super upset about not getting the yarn, i can point you to the right direction to buy it.

and you can still get a hold of the self-made stitch markers (made by me) because, for the final surprise, my own etsy shop will open this sunday! i will initially be selling stitch markers only (some sets at a discounted price) but the selection will expand to all sorts of crafty thingamajigs once things get going. so be sure to check back every now and then!

that’s it. i’m all outta nice now.

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3 Responses

  1. yippee! thanks for the consolation prize 😉 so excited to get your stitch markers! they are very much needed too 🙂 good timing! <br />i love spreading the work about other awesome knit bloggers…. it&#39;s all love. besides the competition was fun 😉 congrats to monica! can&#39;t wait to see what you knit with your fab yarn! <br />as for the rest of us….. we&#39;ll all win yarn from you

  2. Thank you sooooo much, I guess honesty does pay off! Now the pressure is on though, what will I knit with it? It has to be awesome.<br />Rebecca, a special thanks to you for pointing me in this blog&#39;s direction.<br />And Liisa, Congrats on opening your new etsy shop! Really exciting stuff.<br />Have a great weekend everyone!

  3. Lol…that made me chuckle. I hope your punishments aren&#39;t too severe! ;)<br /><br />Congrats to the winners! 🙂 And most of all CONGRATS on opening up an etsy shop of your own!! I can&#39;t wait to see what other stitch markers you have….and ooohhh…the suspense of other crafty things… I&#39;ve already added your shop to my circle so that I can stalk you.<br /><br />Now to sit back

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