
spring, socks & skippity skip

spring’s here. finally. winter and its foul snowy presence had tormented us for too long to be any level of fun anymore. you know how the first snowflakes in october make you go “yay winter”? after seven months the childlike reverence has turned into vile screeches of “fuck winter” and “why, god, are you doing this to us”.

but it’s here now. time to lose those seven layers of clothing and enjoy the sun. maybe get a little spring flu or skip some rope or something. what do you mean adults don’t skip rope? what’s wrong with you?

i still need to cover my puny legs until i’m rid of the whole “whiter shade of pale” look, so i made a basic pair of striped socks to skip in. i’ve grown to liking the toe-up method, because in addition to all the practical benefits, it makes me look like a pro knitter. boo-yah. the color gradience was a little off from what i thought, but not too bad.

size 38
austemann step & zauberball (25g each/2.5mm)

the left sock is affectionately called “stupid fat ugly party leader debate”, because that’s what i was watching on TV when i knitted it. two hours of my precious, precious life completely wasted on the altar of inane rantings and mind-shattering baby-pink blazers. and since we now know the election saw a landslide victory from a populist anti-immigration party, which incidentally is lead by jabba the hut, perhaps this is the electoral term that finally forces me to pack my earthly belongings and move to canada, where the sun always shines, nothing ever goes wrong, and the only thing you ever have to worry about is stephen harper, who eats babies.

anyway, by the same rationale the right sock is called “terminator 3”.

although said fine motion picture left the most important question unanswered: how is it that you can’t hurt a robot by shooting him in the head, but can hurt him by kicking him in the crotch?

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