
finger bondage

thank god my left middle finger’s into bondage. otherwise this picture might seem odd.

john wayne is politely averting his eyes…what a p***y

to those of you not familiar with the joys of handjobs (the giggle-inducing literal translation to käsityöt, meaning crafts in finnish), that’s my puny hand after 3 days of spindle spinning and andean plying. turning that hot mess into 2-ply yarn was another 3 hours.

i can’t believe i’ve actually grown fond of doing this. it’s slow and it’s unpredictable, and it causes so much physical pain that i’m pretty sure it does count as S&M. what you’re seeing here is no more than 40 grams worth of twisted arms and cramped butt muscles and 80s metallica (hairdo’s and all). and it’s only 1/4 of the lorna’s laces BFL top i got back in november. and once all finished it still won’t amount to a whole lot in terms of yardage.

but somehow there’s a poetic element of concentration and achievement there, meditation even. turning a raw material into something i can use. being more than just one part of the shearing-dyeing-spinning-knitting chain. mastering a skill that’s not inherently programmed into the brain of every tom, dick & harry out there.

just wait for the finished yarn. it’s gonna be epic.

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2 Responses

  1. wow. spinning is on my list of things to learn. i have a drop spindle and roving… but i really don't know what i'm doing… now i should learn :)i can't wait to see your yarn! um also, i mentioned you in a post on monday. if you feel like checking 😉 xo

  2. oh shoot! that post of yours somehow totally slipped past my radar! you&#39;re so sweet. thank you!<br /><br />and if you haven&#39;t learned spinning by september i can give you a lesson once i get there 🙂

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