focus on me, please
amidst perhaps the busiest two weeks of the past few years i come before you with more exciting news!
the lovely folks at baaad anna’s have inexplicably decided to host me for a trunk show this week!
i’ll be joining the talented jenny faifel of sweaterfreak knits as the stars of this month’s event in the popular focus on local series. we’ll both bring loads of patterns and samples for you guys to ogle and i’m also teaching a brand new class on how to plan for a successful knitting project the same afternoon.
be sure to join us saturday, march 12 from 6-8 pm! the $5 entry covers all the fun plus refreshments! i cannot emphasize enough how many fun times are there to be had!
i’ll leave you with this secretive teaser of my newest shawl pattern, modelled here by my divinely beautiful friend kat, which will be officially released at the show! be there or be a sad loser person with terrible judgment!
I want to knit that shawl 🙂
soon my friend, soon!!