
pomme de pin

if my emelie was a desperate attempt to appear conventional, this next piece of westian colourplay was the much-needed woolly counter-offensive to put all that beige back in its place.



the pomme de pin by amy christoffers is a divinely wearable sportweight cardigan that, when finished, looks and feels as heavenly elevating as any knitted item should. sadly, the pattern itself is easily one of the sloppiest pieces of garbage i’ve seen in my many years of knitting. don’t try this at home unless you’re fine with re-working size calculations, trudging through errors and missing information, and generally having no idea if you’re anywhere near the right track as you go.

but you know, if you’re into that sort of BDSM and get through it somehow, then you’ll have a sweet cardigan, and some bragging rights, i suppose. only yours is not going to be as obnoxiously pink as mine because I OWN THIS COLOUR.


thanks to the lovely allover pinecone lace pattern, this is one of the very few instances where a mad tosh yarn didn’t need to be alternated between skeins. the lace is open enough to spread out any dyelot differences and dilute the overall chance of pooling or striping – which, along with the notorious bleeding of dye, we as a community generally allow for this particular brand with an angelic song in our hearts, because the colours are just so magnificent. as someone with a rather weighty history in being disastrously anal about quality i feel like it’s quite the feat for a brand to successfully maintain the loyalty and amazement of half the planet despite so many things going directly against them. but  as we all surely know, being spectacularly beautiful has a tendency to make people overlook coinciding jerkface personality traits. which is kind of sad for us ugly people.


once enough time has passed for me to forget how much i hated making this cardigan, i’m going to make more. in a gazillion other colours. an entire rainbow! and never once shall i alternate, out of principle, because us ugly people win at integrity, and also life.

much thanks to miss ally for the photos!

click here for more project details

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4 Responses

  1. I think Melissa might fight you for that colour 😉

    You made that pattern your bitch, and look marvellous for it. I love it, but I can’t say I have the heart to make that pattern work for me, so no Pomme de Pins in my future.

    1. liisa

      thanks friend! indeed i did make the pattern my bitch, and such total unilateral domination is the absolute only way to go. ABSOLUTE ONLY WAY. oh, and ms. kwan, if you’re out there – BRING IT!!

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