
to boldly go..

so what del happens when someone with a negative attention span and zero ability to follow instructions tries to knit lace?

despite my 20 years of knitting experience i’ve intentionally kept myself away from projects which, without any exaggeration, can drive me to jump off a cliff while shoving a stake into avifauna my brain AND inflating my lifevest before the stewardess says it’s ok. let’s just them call it pre-emptive self-defense.

then my friend asked me to make her a super fancy lace scarf for her sister’s p? wedding. and bought some super fancy (and super expensive) silk yarn that’s just too fancy to be destroyed in a frustrated moment’s rage, which will come at some point, believe me. so i need cheap nba jerseys practice before the real thing. i don’t like practice. i don’t like asparagus either. but sometimes you just need pretty to eat the effing asparagus because your stupid mother-in-law is sitting right there and saying no would Письмо cause your cheap nfl jerseys entire social universe to cheap jerseys collapse.

so i hereby declare my intention to expand my affairs to uncharted lace territory. if i die before summer it’s because of lace.

and i want a viking funeral.


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